My whole life I’ve been writing. When I was too little to go to school, I even pretended to know how to write.
Professionally, I’ve written as part of creating documentaries like Liquidity: The Value of Wetlands, and Stop Bullying in Ulster County. I’ve also learned and used best practices for writing for websites and SEO.
My creative writing is what really makes smile, imagining things that aren’t really there yet, whether it’s reality shows or screenplays.
At a crisp 2 pages each, these reality shows cover life and death, love and hate, suffering and redemption, hard work and stiff competition, and much, much more.
Reality show pitches that deal with alternate reality, changing in prison, travelogues, All-American hard work, sports celebrities, historic crimes, current domestic violence, and real-life apprentices – all written and ready to go. Some are passion projects, some are just fun, but all would be binge-worthy.
The term “strong female lead” is turned on its head with these stories about grief and hitting rock bottom. That’s the drama part. The comedy comes when these women get back up in ways that are completely unexpected. It’s not easy to open your eyes and change. But it’s possible.
What can I say? Back in the day, I actually woke myself up every few hours to change the tape in the VCR to record the entire Twilight Zone Marathon on television. Rod Serling was a wry, funny, and philosophical writer. These were written in that same vein.
Now to get all of this original content out into the world. Partnerships, feedback and advice welcomed.