For Life: More Stories of Lupus

Video Editor

Nearly 40% of Americans are living with chronic illnesses.  I am still amazed how director/producer Marcia Urbin Raymond balanced her lupus, flare ups and all, with her duties as director/producer. It was her mission to educate people about lupus. She was driven. Marcia even enlisted help from Seal, who generously gave permission to use his music.


Perhaps from necessity, perhaps from her giving nature, Marcia gave me a lot of creative freedom. While working full-time as an Avid Editor on corporate videos and nationally broadcast TV commercials, I taught myself Final Cut Pro riding on the subway so I could work on this project. I wanted to edit documentaries, especially if the topic moved me or interested me. This project did both.


This feature-length sequel to Stories of Lupus follows five different people with lupus, and their families, over five years. The documentary explores different ways of dealing with this devastating illness, from holistic medicine and meditation, to chemo and steroids, to kidney transplants. For Life: More Stories of Lupus aired on PBS stations and screened in New York and Los Angeles theaters.